Saturday, May 7, 2016

Random pics

Court of Honor

My favorite court of honor was when they brought in a real live Eagle. It was so cool. It's wings were huge and it looked mean. Those things are kind of scary


I guess the scout uniform is ok. It's kind of plain, and too expensive.


My least favorite part of scouting are all the worksheets they have us fill out. It seems like a waste of time. I must have killed 2 trees for just one merit badge!


Campouts are so much fun. Our last camp out was 2 weeks ago at the hot pots in Spanish Fork. They were smelly but very warm. We had hamburgers for dinner. Yum, yum

First post

This is my first scouting post. I love scouting and can't wait to share it on my new blog. I'm finishing up my merit badges so I can start working on my Eagle!